IHE Delft Institute for Water Education is the largest international graduate water education facility in the world. Based in Delft, the Netherlands, IHE Delft confers fully accredited MSc degrees and PhD degrees in collaboration with Dutch partner universities. The Institute conducts research and supports capacity development to address the world’s water challenges.



Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change and Adaptation (COASTHazar)2 years
International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering (IMETE)2 years
Flood Risk Management2 years
Groundwater and Global Change – Impact and Adaptation (GroundWatCh)2 years
Limnology and Wetland Management1.7 or 2 years
Water Cooperation and Diplomacy1.5 or 2 years
Water Science and Engineering in Hydropower Development2-3 years

Masters Degree

MSc Programme in Water and Sustainable Development Research2 years
MSc in Water and Sustainable Development2 years

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